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Two - Time US Department of Education High Performing National Blue Ribbon School - 2015 & 2022!

Second Grade


Second grade is a year loaded with exciting changes. Not only are the children becoming more actively involved in their Catholic faith through sacraments, they are moving along in their academics—learning higher-order math skills, reading independently in chapter books, understanding their communities, as well as mastering cursive. The ultimate goal of the year is to empower each student with the skills to become more confident, independent learners using different instructional strategies.

Second GradersCURRICULUM

The second grade students prepare for the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion as they continue to gain a greater understanding of God and their faith using their religion book, We Believe: Jesus Shares God’s Life, and the Bible.     
Language Arts
Under the language arts discipline are phonics, reading, oral and written expression, spelling, and handwriting (manuscript and cursive). Students continue to focus on phonics to solidify their decoding skills which enhance reading fluency and comprehension. Integrated with the phonics program is spelling. Both occur daily.  Through reading instruction, students gain a better understanding of how letters and sounds become words. Using fiction or nonfiction text has the students reading a variety of genres while practicing strategies to support reading comprehension. The students identify literary elements within each as well as strengthen critical thinking. By incorporating stories into the writing program, students practice writing with a purpose and English grammar rules. Projects vary in format giving ample opportunity for oral, written, or technology-based presentations.
Students reinforce their addition and subtraction facts while expanding their understanding of the concepts of place value, fractions, measurement, time, money, and geometry. Applying problem solving strategies with manipulatives and technology, they are critical thinkers who put into practice what they have learned.
The building of science knowledge continues as the students study the four major units (life, earth, physical, space/technology) of Scott Foresman’s text, Science. The students follow an inquiry model which has them planning, predicting, investigating, and explaining.
Social Studies
Students focus on globes and maps, the world, continents, and countries to gain an understanding of who we are and how we came to be here. Integrated into the text, Houghton Mifflin’s Social Studies, are biographies of American historical figures.